非裔前記者每周做7小時義工 曾被誤會為難民 來港進修並定居 獲義務工作發展局傑出義工奬
【非裔義工 另類方法探索香港】
來自非洲贊比亞的Sanday 2011年來港,因一次打風前夕家訪輪椅阿婆,感受到香港繁榮一面背後有不少辛酸故事。
“She was an old lady that has contributed a lot to the society and city. And there is nobody to look after her.”
“There are several times when I am thought of being one of the people maybe I’m a refugee. I’ve got friendship with a lot of them.”
“She got housing at Chai Wan afterwards, but she came back a lot collecting the cardboards. It’s great that we meet here sometimes eventually.”
“There are always people in need no matter in Africa or any other developed countries. Everyone can have a role to play and we need to take action and ensure that we provide and create a more inclusive and caring society.”
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